Saturday, 19 April 2014

Warsaw: An Old Green Train at a Crossing

Finally managed to get a decent mobile shot of this old Polish train at a crossing not far from the massive cemetery in the Młociny outskirts of the city.  Looks like it could be some kind of steam train but I'm not 100% sure (I'm no expert on this kind of thing).

Always like seeing the old trains at this crossing, as they always remind me of the old steam trains down at The Trackside in my hometown of Bury, Lancashire.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Warsaw: Near Metro Gdanski at Sundown

Got this shot just before sundown at the tram stops (heading towards the city centre; over the river; and towards Zoliborz) just above the metro Gdanski station.  Had to get a picture of this as the dark clouds behind the glass buildings were just starting to look ominous.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

The Warsaw City Centre Panorama

Managed to get these two panoramic shots of Warsaw city centre while I was up in the Orca building near the central railway station (in the foreground of both pictures)

The glass buildings on the left have obviously been designed to 'dwarf out' the Palace of Culture building on the right.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Warsaw: The Skull Engraving inside St. Jack's Church

Saw the incredible skull engraving above underneath what looked like an ornate tomb built into a wall inside St. Jack's (also known as St. Hyacinth's) church in Warsaw Old Town.

St. Jack's (below) is a Dominican church very popular with young people in Warsaw:

Besides this, the church also hosts the latest Sunday Mass in Warsaw at 9.30pm.  Below, I'm looking down into the locked up crypt which looks as if it may well contain tombs down there.

Really must visit St. Jack's again but this time with my proper camera to get some better shots of what looks like a really fascinating place.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

My Niece Abbe Holding a Young Wombat

Here is a fantastic picture of my wonderful niece Abbe holding a young wombat at a zoo or some other kind of animal centre in Sydney, Australia.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Antimatter Live at Warsaw Klub Progresja 9th April 2014

Last night, I got up to the Klub Progresja (now called the Progresja Music Zone and in the Fort Wola part of the city) to see Antimatter. 

This was the first time I'd visited the small stage room up there which I would describe as small and poky.  Thankfully, the big stage room, where I've seen Gazpacho and Fields of the Nephilim recently, is much better (the real big one on the cards here is Kansas on July 22nd).

Anyway, back to Antimatter, unfortunately the band seemed to have a few technical and tuning problems during parts of the 'Leaving Eden' set, but this was rather magically turned around with an astounding version of the title track as the band just nailed it (love it when a band nails a great tune live, it just gives some kind of feeling of transcendence - that there's real beauty in the world after all). 

Also thought the band nailed 'Uniformed & Black' from the 'Fear of a Unique Identity' album.  Guess that I just prefer the more upbeat rather than the slower Antimatter numbers. 

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Looking Forward To Seeing Antimatter at Warsaw Progresja Music Zone (Klub Progresja) Tomorrow

Looking forward to seeing Antimater doing the whole of the 'Leaving Eden' album live at Warsaw Klub Progresja (still can't get out of the habit of calling this place by by its old name) tomorrow night. 

The good thing about living in Warsaw is that the Prog passes through here quite thick and fast:  saw Gazpacho on Friday night and besides Antimatter tomorrow night, will be seeing Crippled Black Phoenix and Airbag in May (all at the Klub Progresja, now in the Fort Wola part of the city).

Monday, 7 April 2014

Warsaw: The Incredible Glass Law Court Building, Near the Old Town

Saturday afternoon was bright and sunny but also deceptively 'nippy' in Warsaw so to say. 

However, it was great weather for taking pictures and I got these two mobile shots of the incredible glass law court building down near the Old Town.

Love the reflection of the nearby flats in the picture below:

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Gazpacho Live at Warsaw Klub Progresja 4th April 2014

Another great gig last night - Gazpacho up at the Klub Progreja (now in the Fort Wola part of the city).  Wasn't really aware of Gazpacho a few months ago, but, being pretty big on Prog, I'm just glad that I discovered them in time for last night's gig.

The band's frontman Jan Henrik Ohme (below) has quite an incredible vocal range, and I really like the way this guy presents himself in such a modest, polite and understated way:

Which were my favourite tunes of the night?  Well, they would have to be 'Tick-Tock Part 2' (my favourite Gazpacho tune); 'I've Been Walking Part 2' (which really brought the small but enthusiastic crowd to life); and 'Upside Down'.   Below is the multitalented Mikael Kramer playing violin (while not playing guitar or mandolin):

Below - guitarist Jon-Arne Vilbo, another great but understated member (as are all the guys in the band):

Below the band are taking well-deserved applause from the small but highly appreciative crowd:

What did I do when I got back home after the gig?  Well, after cracking open a can of Perła (one of my favourite Polish beers), I just sat back happily listening to 'Tick-Tock Part 2' and 'Upside Down' repeatedly in honour of the great band I'd just seen (well done to whoever put the videos below from 2009 and 2011 on Youtube): 

Yeah, that drum beat in 'Tick-Tock Part 2' is incredible.

And the violin in 'Upside Down'  . . .  of course, sublime.  This is a band of beautiful subtle changes of mood and melody, beautiful and yet so modest and understated.  Got the same kind of enchantment out of watching the Icelandic bands Arstidir and Mum last year.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Near Metro Gdanski, Warsaw: The Ordinary Suddenly Looking Extraordinary

This scene just caught my eye near Metro Gdanski in Warsaw the other evening.  Was really happy to get a mobile shot of this streetlight with the glass buildings forming a great background - perhaps another example of the ordinary suddenly appearing extraordinary.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

A Couple of Nice Healthy Meals

Here's a couple of nice healthy meals that I've cooked in Warsaw recently.  Above, there is smoked ham; poached egg and vegetables.

In contrast, below, there is gołąbki (pork in cabbage leaves) in mushroom gravy - my adaptation of a traditional Polish dish.