Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Eastern Poland: Three-Day Old Goat

A few shots of a three-day old goat from eastern Poland:

He already looks to be a bit of a character.

Monday, 29 April 2019

Easter Eggs from Eastern Poland

A few shots of some colourful Easter eggs from eastern Poland:

Looks like some imaginative and intricate work has gone into making these:

Sunday, 28 April 2019

Thornleigh College Priest House

Some shots from inside the priest house at Thornleigh College in Bolton that a friend sent me recently:

Looks like an incredibly beautiful place:

My friend said that the Last Supper picture below was painted by a priest:

Can recall being at St. Joseph's, Bury in the 1970s, and occasionally Thornleigh grammar school was mentioned as the ultimate place to aspire towards. Thus, it's good to be able to visualise the Catholic atmosphere of the place now.

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

MONO Live at Warsaw Hydrozagadka 17th April 2019

Got myself into a funny old position watching MONO side on at Warsaw Hydrozagadka last week:

Loved 'Ashes in the Snow' and 'Breathe'.

But my favourite song of the night was 'Dream Odyssey', still have its beautiful, melancholic but also comforting melody swirling round my head.

Just about got to the other side of the river in time to catch Arabrot, who were on before MONO, and they were also well worth seeing:

Monday, 22 April 2019

Hexham Abbey Picture

My friend John's picture from inside Hexham Abbey.

Until John posted this shot, I'd never heard of Hexham Abbey. Have just read that it dates back to the 7th century, although a lot of the building work seems to have occurred during the 12th century.

Reading about Hexham Abbey kind of wets my appetite to visit Northumberland, somewhere I don't think I've ever been to in England.

Friday, 12 April 2019

The Neal Morse Band Live at Warsaw Progresja 6th April 2019

Two years ago, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing The Neal Morse Band on 'The Similitude of a Dream' tour, and loved 'The Great Adventure' show last Saturday night.

You just can't beat high quality Prog with a wonderful visual dimension:

Like a friend of friend of mine in Ireland says, The Neal Morse Band are like a modern-day Kansas with a bit of Styx mixed in.

Love the central idea of going through trials in life and finding something transcendental, something eternal:

My favourite tune of the night? That's difficult to say, there were so many.

But I had both 'The Great Despair' and 'The Great Adventure' chiming in my head on the tram back down towards Warsaw city centre afterwards.

I'm not a born-again Christian but I definitely value the transcendental message in Neal Morse's music.