After breakfast at Bolton Wetherspoons, a train journey to Clitheroe, and bus ride to Hurst Green, we reached Stonyhurst College, being nicely greeted by St. Peter's church.
Have just read that St. Peter's church was built between 1832 and 1835, being designed by the distinguished Catholic architect, Joseph John Scholes, in a Gothic Revival style, and founded and served by the Jesuits.
Visited Stonyhurst and St. Peter's on a rain-soaked trip a couple of years ago, and second time round, the church still gave me a sense of awe, especially inside:
I couldn't take my eyes off the wonderful statues dotted around the church:
Have just read that during the Protestant Reformation, Stonyhurst Eastate was owned by the Shireburn Catholic baron family, and that in 1794, during the ongoing French Revolution, the Jesuit College of St. Omer had to flee France, being invited to reside at Stonyhurst by Thomas Weld (1750-1810).
Pride of place in any Catholic church, of course, the High Altar: