Monday 3 December 2012

Imany Live at Warsaw Stodoła 1st December 2012

This concert was perfectly pleasant, but, at first, I simply wasn't in the mood for it after seeing two other concerts (Archive and Marillion) two and three days beforehand.  However, I managed to get down to the Stodoła  for 7.30, and was happy to see that it was only about a third full, but come starting time just after eight, it once again seemed like the world and his wife had turned up.  Despite this, about 65-70% of the audience were women (mainly in their twenties), which, of course, was no bad thing at all, especially for a middle-aged man's eyes.

As for Imany and her band, they are musically very slick and tight, and Imany, herself, has one hell of a voice.  Also, to her and the band's credit, they were on stage for more or less two hours, and it was never visually boring, as she alternated between being hauntingly still for the slower stuff, and doing a kind of 'ostrich-type' dance for the more up-tempo stuff.  Being a middle-aged man (and I wasn't the only one there), my favourite tunes of the night were 'Slow Down' and (Africa Has a) 'Shape of a Broken Heart'. 

However, predictably, it was the final encore of the night, 'You Will Never Know' that brought the house down:

Of course, well done to whoever shot and put these videos of Imany doing 'You Will Never Know' on Youtube.  I like the fact that they are shot from completely different angles, and offer good views of the crowd dynamics at the Stodoła.  It could be me, but I think Imany may've done 'You Will Never Know' more than once on Saturday night, but like I say, this may be just my imagination.

During the second half of the concert, I just did my usual thing and retired to the exotic hallway/bar area for a couple of nice cold ones (granted, it was only Zywiec, but it was nice and cold, and quenched my first). 

On Wednesday night, during the Archive gig, I ended up getting this amazing picture from the Stodoła hallway area:

Yes, at the Stodoła, they have a screen advertising their upcoming concerts, and I must've clicked my mobile at exactly the point when the Steve Lukather advertisement was turning into the Ellie Golding one, so I guess it can be kind of viewed as a unique picture.

Also, on the Thursday night, during the Marillion concert, I got a nice shot of the Marillion advertisement while the band were playing their final encore, 'Garden Party'. 

Yes, it's been quite a tiring adventure, three concerts in five days, but I've thoroughly enjoyed not only the music, but also the sociological experience:  all three crowds were different in terms of dress codes and anthropology (e.g. dealing with difficult proxemics), and this kind of thing fascinates me. 


  1. Looks like Imany took the roof off Pat?

  2. Good rest until the Clannad concert in February, Dave, and, thankfully, that's sitting down.

  3. There doesn't seem to be a lot of the old rock bands touring at the moment Pat? Clannad must have been going forty years. I remember seeing them 2 or 3 times with you. Great band. Don't think they are even touring Ireland.

  4. Got a Sigur Ros ticket for 25th June today, Dave, and Roger Waters is playing Warsaw National Football Stadium on August 20th. Hopefully, will get a Riverside ticket for April 14th when they come out, and might get a Steve Lukather (Toto guitarist) ticket for April 9th.

    If you ever fancy anything over here, just let me know.

    Been busy as anything last few days, Dave. Gary Palmieri is coming for an overnight stay on Saturday (he works in Radom, about 100 miles north of Warsaw).

  5. Sigu Ros sounds good Pat. Bruce Springsteen is playing some stadium in Cork next summer and Bonjovi are playing Slane Castle. Could do with going to a concert really soon. It's dark here at four O'clock in the afternoon and the night's are very long.

    I am glad you are working Pat. Hopefully you're not overdoing it? Didn't know Gary was near you. Well relatively if you know what I mean? One hundred miles is quite near with infrastructure. Gosh what I would give to get on a bus or a train and go somewhere. Love the country life but it's too isolated. It will be great for you to catch up with Gary. Wish we had some company visiting us. I am really starting too not like Christmas. It was my 49th birthday yesterday. Strange but peaceful day. Really missed my mother not saying:

    "Happy birthday."

    Sometimes the little things mean the most. I don't need to tell you that Pat, do I? We have a silent God, but you have got to believe in a after life or else you have nothing.

    Would love to go to a concert with you some time Pat.

  6. Hi Dave, thanks for the message. Sorry that I forgot your birthday, I just thought it was a little later in December, not knowing the exact date.

    I know the morose feeling(s)you're talking about, as I miss my mother, and have the strange painful enigma of what my brother did to have to live with.

    I agree with you that it's better to believe in God even if He's only an illusion (better to have a glorious illusion than a 'meaning less' life, I think).

    If you've never heard 'Nebraska' by Bruce Springsteen, give it a spin, as it's fantastic. Don't like everything by 'the boss', but love 'Nebraska', as it captures something of the American mystique.
