Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Political-'Correctness': The Mind Forg'd Manacles

Went on a Google search to find cartoons and short messages making fun of the Western totalitarian ideology of political-'correctness' (cultural Marxism), and saw how different features of politically-'correct' ideology were being targeted in these messages.

First, the top picture above highlights how politically-'correct' ideologues go on the offensive labelling their opponents with (often mindless and inaccurate) slogans such as 'racist'.  Of course, once a person has been marked with such a dirty label, he/she is then often labelled in such a way for life (e.g. Enoch Powell was labelled and commonly viewed as a 'racist' for his 'rivers of blood' musings while very few people know that he was thought to be a fine Biblical scholar).

Second, as George Orwell prophesied in '1984', political-'correctness' views any attempts to tell the truth as one sees it (especially when deviating away from politically-'correct' orthodoxy on such issues as Islam; homosexuality/lesbianism; abortion etc.) as being revolutionary acts:

And of course, there is the politically-'correct' assault on Christmas(tide) and mainstream Christianity:

The politically-'correct' are so intent on not 'offending' Muhammadans that they don't realise that they're genuinely offending Christians by banishing the Christ-child and what he represents from Christmas:

The great writer Doris Lessing rightly pointed out that a politically-'correct' elite imposing their views on the masses is an inheritance from communism:

In modern, Western (especially English-speaking) countries, people are generally not allowed to criticise such meta-ideologies as Islam or political-'correctness' itself:

And of course, within the politically-'correct' narrative, what was once held to be sacred or highly valued (e.g. mainstream Christianity; the Western Literary Canon; a patriotic sense of history etc.) has been subverted (offering mass-scale disenchantment to people):

Within the politically-'correct' narrative, a minoritarian worldview often presents white people as being the root of all evil, and this kind of message is continually propagated by an unscrupulous mass media:

Concerning its inheritance from communism, political-'correctness' may be viewed as an egalitarian cultural creed that evolved out of the failure of an earlier egalitarian economic creed.  A writer called Bill Lind is big on this as he reflects on the Frankfurt School ideologues (Adorno; Benjamin; Heidegger; Marcuse etc.) paving the way to modern-day political-'correctness'):

When political-'correctness' is compared to Stalinism, it's amazing how many concepts and linguistic devices these two totalitarian ideologies have in common (e.g. 'hate crime'; the term 'political-correctness' itself etc.):

And with the world currently being dangerously close to mass-scale war, many people are starting to sense or see the creation of some kind of politically 'correct'-Salafist Muhammadan alliance that threatens the rest of the world (including the remnants of genuine Western culture):

And of course, many people sadly ask how a previous radical-type inclination to question authority has been replaced by complete conformity to politically-'correct' dogma:

Thus, if Western people want to keep their jobs (especially those in the public sector) and feel safe with their families, they have to toe the line by either preaching politically-'correct' dogma or keeping their mouths shut:

Indeed, modern-day political-'correctness' seems to be a mass-scale attempt to rid the world of belief in goodness, beauty, and truth (e.g. to rid the Western world of its high culture).

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