Tuesday, 1 December 2020

One, Holy, Catholic, And Apostolic by Kenneth D. Whitehead

I picked up my copy of Kenneth D. Whitehead's One, Holy, Catholic, And Apostolic in of all places Salt Lake City back in 2008.

I'm currently reading the Douay-Rheims Bible (the Old and New Testaments simultaneously), and find Whitehead's book a wonderful accompaniment to the New Testament. The information about early saints such as St. Ignatius of Antioch having known and continued the work of the apostle John is absolutely fascinating. 

Whitehead's book is also fascinating for going into detail about how early Church councils (Nicaea and Constantinople) defend and promulgate the fundamental Catholic teaching of the Trinity. Tied in with this, the book is a wonderful account of how the ancient Catholic Church was born from the New Testament and how it came to flourish inside the Roman empire after three centuries of awful persecution.

I'm just short of being 100 pages into the book now, and can't wait to see what the remaining 200 pages or so have to hold.

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