A few weeks ago, I passed the Lutheran cemetery in lower Wola in Warsaw on a tram, and it looked incredibly interesting, so I thought: "I must get round to visiting that place!". Thankfully, yesterday, I managed to do this and was far from disappointed:
Upon entering the place, I was immediately greeted with many interesting things such as the 'Queen Victoria-type' statue below:
And of course, the old skull and cross bones (below): saw this kind of thing recently in a Catholic Church in the Old Town in Warsaw, and recall seeing some skull and cross bones on the marbled floors of the churches in Florence last year:
Love the way that many of the statues have turned green, often blending in perfectly with their gladed canopies, like the one below:
One of my favourite statues in the place has to be the one of the angel below, I just love the degree of detail on the wings in particular:
And my favourite gravestone would have to be the one below, as it just reminds of Philip Larkin's 'An Arundel Tomb' from 'The Whitsun Weddings' (my favourite anthology of poetry):
And the gravestone below caught my eye as it seemed to capture (as far as it is possible, of course) something of the grief of losing a loved one:
The statue below is devoted to a Lutheran clergyman:
And finally, engraved on a family grave, there was this interesting portrait of Christ with almost animated eyes:
Overall, I saw many interesting things in this Lutheran cemetery, far too many to put on a short blog like this, so all what I've tried to do here is neatly summarise what caught my eye most of all there.