Sunday 14 July 2024

Concert by the Riverside


For some time, it was touch and go whether the Descartes A Kant gig at Plac Zabaw (by the riverside in Warsaw) would take place.

But thankfully, it did:

We got down early, and when the rain finally stopped, we saw Ewa Sad:

The whole setting at the Plac Zabaw is magical:

Saw a few concerts down here during Covid times, including EABS, a great Polish Jazz band.

A few weeks beforehand, I'd never heard of (Mexican band) Descartes A Kant, but I checked them out, and could see they were well worth watching.

After the gig, I now find myself looking up the names of the songs they did live (Atascatto; My Sweetest Headache Waltz; A Catastrophe etc.).

Was so pleased that I risked the heavy rain and was rewarded with a great concert.

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