Saturday, 16 September 2023

An Absurd Tale (from Stroud)

One way or another, we ended up walking away from Stroud town centre in the general direction of Bristol for a mile or two (when we wanted to go up the Slad valley to visit Laurie Lee's old watering hole, The Woolpack in Slad village).

This unscheduled episode came about through madly trusting an i-phone tracking device which was great for directions inside towns but not between different towns, cities, and villages (giving car directions for whatever position you were stood in).

Still, on a busy main road, we did pass an interesting-looking building:

For me, it was interesting to see a church building advertising itself as a community rather than a church.

I also discovered a similar place up near Stan's Field, and kind of deduced that there was a quite strong evangelical (Protestant) Christian presence around Stroud.

Anyway, after about an hour of the goose chase, with my travelling companion suffering from badly blistered feet, we eventually decided to turn round and back towards Stroud town centre.

Luckily, we were able to take a more scenic canal route back to Stroud town centre:

Which was the only redeeming part of this small absurd adventure.


And of course, it was good to get back to Stroud town centre, to restart our journey up the Slad Valley.

I'll talk about our journey up the Slad Valley to Laurie Lee Land in the next couple of blogs.

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