Tuesday 28 April 2015

Seville: Torre del Oro ('Gold Tower')

Back in Seville here with the palm-enshrouded Torre del Oro, ('Gold Tower'), a watchtower built on the river in the city centre by the Moors in the early 13th century.

Nearby, I couldn't help but notice this streetlamp covered in palms:

And below, I tried to capture the 'Gold Tower' in some kind of Gothic-type frame:

Just read that the  'Gold Tower' was also some kind of prison during the Middle Ages.

Whenever I think of Seville now, the first thing that springs to mind is the wonderful palm trees there. Below, I'm trying to get 'inside' the palm tree to attain a better understanding of this magical thing:

And the 'Gold Tower' itself, well, it couldn't help but give me a sense of awe and enchantment (not dissimilar to that which I would experience a few days later when getting to see the Tower of St. Vincent/Belem Tower in Lisbon):


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