Sunday 10 November 2013

The Spotted Cow (Bell Lane, Bury, Lancashire): Caught in a Magical Time Trap

When I'm thinking about places caught in a time trap, 'The Spotted Cow' on Bell Lane in my hometown of Bury, Lancashire, immediately springs to mind.  For me, this place doesn't seem to have changed in any way at all since the early/mid-1970s (my earliest memories of the place as a young schoolboy).

Yes, long gone are Bensons Toffee Works (for me, the heart of the East Ward community died when this was closed down); the Co-op across the road (where my late mother used to work), and 'Sally's Pie/Cake Shop' just round the corner, while the 'Horse & Jockey' is now 'The Old Crow', and many other Bell Lane pubs ('The Fleece'; 'The Grapes'; 'The New Inn'; 'The Brewers' etc.) have long disappeared.

However, caught in its own magical time trap, 'The Spotted Cow' just trundles along, seemingly never running out of energy, just effortlessly providing the pints for local punters. 

To be honest, I've only ever been in 'The Spotted Cow' a handful of times in my life, but would be genuinely sad if it were ever pulled down.  But why?  Just pure nostalgia, I guess, as the pub is one of the last standing cultural symbols of the old East Ward area of Bury where I lived as a child in the 1970s.


  1. I too remember all of these pubs mentioned & I think it's an absolute travesty that bensons toffee factory was allowed to be shut down just recently we lost the 7 stars pub on the bottom of wash Lane & the Robin Hood (which is very close to the town centre) the life & soul is being drained out of this great town of mine/ours in favour of modernism

    1. Well said, it's awful what has happened to certain parts of Bury.
