Saturday 11 November 2017

Mikromusic Live at Warsaw Cafe Niebo 10th November 2017

Love dreamscape-type concerts so I was always going to enjoy watching Polish band Mikromusic last night.

Started giving Mikromusic a sustained listen a few months ago, and found that their brand of (kind of) Trip-Hop meets Jazz was perfect music for working on the computer with.

Last night, I recognised about 50% of the set (famous tunes like 'Bezladnie' and 'Takiego Chlopaka'), but the best tunes of the night for me were the first three or so ones that the band came on with that I wasn't familiar with.  At times, these first few tunes almost had a Prog-type feel to them.

Was also nice to see a band using a really creative/imaginative and ever-changing back screen.


This made the concert every bit as enjoyable to watch from the back of the hall:

It was also fascinating to see the back screen gradually changing for 20-30 minutes before the band hit the stage:

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