Sunday 1 November 2015

Warsaw: A Marian Courtyard

If you look closely in the middle of this picture of a square courtyard between blocks of flats in Warsaw city centre, you'll see a Marian statue partly adorned with flowers.

Have seen this kind of statue in quite a few courtyards around Warsaw city centre.  So what does this signify for me?  Well, it tells me that symbols of Catholic religiosity still remain in the public domain in Poland, which helps to maintain the country's (semi-) Christian identity, even though this identity is now under attack from the godless, politically-'correct' ideology of the EU (sometimes viewed as the 'new Soviet Union' in Poland).


  1. Political correctness is about respecting people. You deeply misunderstand Polish people if you think they don't understand it.

  2. You deeply misunderstand political-'correctness' if you don't recognise its ideological repression of Christianity.

  3. You imply that Christianity is against respecting people. In this case, I think you deeply misunderstand Christianity too.

  4. You're making a massive assumption that political 'correctness' is about respecting people which is far from the case. It is a minoritarian ideology that pours disrespect and scorn on traditional Western culture.

  5. Your comment demonstrates that you don't understand either of the concepts.

  6. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
