Monday 24 July 2017

Thomas Hardy's Portland: St. George Reforne Church

Without doubt, the highlight of my trip to the Isle of Portland was seeing St. George Reforne (Anglican) church, the scene of (the first) Avice Caro's funeral in Thomas Hardy's 'The Well-Beloved':

As the notice below shows, this wonderfully beautiful building, which was built in the mid-18th century, is no longer a regular working church but, thankfully, is taken care of by an organisation called the Churches Conservation Trust:

I've just read that the church is still used on Christmas Day and St. George's Day.  But still, what a pity it isn't more often used for religious services.

Have also just read that the church is built out of Portland stone, and was designed by architect and quarry merchant, Thomas Gilbert, who is said to have been an apprentice of Christopher Wren.

Seeing this incredible church gave me the same sense of awe as visiting Florence or Toledo Cathedral:

In my imagination, I sensed that Avice Caro's gravestone may've been like the one I came across in the St. George Reforne graveyard below:

The sheer beauty of the church forced me to take pictures of it from different angles:

Even the church entrance was incredibly beautiful, as it shielded the church, with the sea lying quietly in the background:

Unfortunately, I was too late to go inside the church at sundown, but got to do this in the early afternoon on the following day:

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