Monday 1 October 2012

The Jewish Cemetery Warsaw

While making my way back from the Old Mariavite Catholic church on Sunday, I called in the Jewish cemetery in Warsaw.  The latter is really quite huge and needs a few hours to get round, but when I arrived at about quarter past one, a middle-aged Jewish couple informed me that it was closing at two (it usually shuts at four on Sundays).  Thus, I didn't really get the opportunity to see much on this visit, which was a pity, as the place is well worth a look round.  As usual, I just focused on looking for a few ornate Jewish designs on the gravestones.

As it was Sunday and I'd just been to church, I was kind of dressed in 'my Sunday best' (an old-fashioned concept maybe, but I sometimes try to adhere to it these days), so I was glad that it wasn't raining and the place wasn't muddy.

I know that I look a bit like a gangster, but I feel it's worth making the effort, as Sunday is only once a week. 

Anyway, as usual, I only had my small mobile phone with me which didn't really pick up on the beauty of the Jewish gravestones.

Next time I visit the Jewish cemetery, I'll take my camera with me which has a much better eye for detail. 

There are a few structures like the one above in the cemetery, but, on Sunday, the most interesting thing I came across was the small offering of a pine cone and stones which accompanied two small candles at the front of one of the graves.

This interesting offering reminded me of a very similar one I'd seen at an ancient stone circle in county Cork, Ireland a couple of months ago.


  1. Drombeg stone circle Pat? Isn't that uncanny?

  2. The underlying Pagan root to all religions, maybe, Dave?
