Tuesday 23 October 2012

Warsaw: Some More Autumnal Shots

Above you can see a couple of shots of St. Barbara's Catholic church in Plac Zabawiecela (The Saviour's Square), near the metro Politechnicha.  For me, this church has one of the most beautiful exteriors in Warsaw.  Also in Plac Zabawiecela lies the Methodist centre which has offered Methodist religious services and (I think free) English lessons for many years. 

Like the Mormons and other smaller religious groups in Poland, the Methodists seem to use English classes as a potential channel to conversion.  Next up is Plac Konstytucji which lies just further up towards Warsaw city centre from Plac Zabawiecela.  I like the big, old-fashioned lights in this square, although I guess they haven't been used for many a year.

In Warsaw now, we're just entering the deeper bite of autumn, slowly edging towards winter.  For me, this is a time of year when the Jewish memorials start to become more visible, like the one below.

Of course, there are also many war memorials to the many Poles who lost their lives in the 2nd World War and to the brave battalions that fought to defend and liberate Poland, such as the one below.

I guess there's a long hard winter coming up after autumn here.  Can't wait for next spring to be honest.


  1. Can't say I am looking forward to Winter either Pat. Great photographs!!

  2. At least you won't be getting the -20/-30 stuff in February, Dave.
