Saturday 8 September 2012

Otis Gibbs at the 2011 Ramsbottom Festival

If you like good tunes mixed with amusing anecdotes, Otis Gibbs will be right up your street.  During the show, he plugged his CDs, and afterwards, he came out into the crowd selling and autographing them.  With downloading, I guess that this is the only way bands can now sell their stuff.  I've seen many bands using the same ploy recently.  Thus, should we be thankful to downloading for encouraging bands to hit the road more often?  Otis Gibbs had an unusual take on the downloading issue, he said that he didn't mind downloading as it was inevitable, but that downloaders shouldn't shy away from buying one of his CDs once in a while.


  1. Music should be free on You Tube and also available to purchase if you like it. Saying that Pat. Our rock star pals need money to tour and cart their massive amounts of equipment. Great stuff Pat.

  2. I agree entirely, Dave, it cuts both ways.
